Today's Test, Start of MASI, and Summer Schedule Begins!

First off, today, June 24th, is our make-up test for the End of Year test. We encourage all students who missed the test at Trevor Day School a few weeks ago to attend and receive their grade and new belts based on those grades. Additionally, all other students are welcome to assist in the demonstration and witness their fellow students' tests. The event is at the Atlantic Avenue Studio, starts at 2pm, and will run for approximately one hour.

Secondly, we're very excited about the start of MASI, our summer day program in the Martial Arts. Week one begins on Monday, June 26, and will run for four weeks, Monday through Thursday. There are still slots available, if your child would like to attend.

Finally, because of MASI, and because it's the summer, we are announcing a modified schedule for the end of June through the end of July:


  • All Youth classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be scheduled for 5:30pm, concurrent with the Junior classes
  • All other classes are scheduled as normal
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, don't forget our calendar is always available here.