June 13 & 14 Modified Schedule; Make-up Test 6/17

Due to the annual Midwest Demonstration and Promotion test we are announcing a modified schedule:

  • The Tai Chi classes for both Saturday and Sunday are cancelled
  • The Free Trial and Youth Tae Kwon Do Classes for Saturday (9:30am & 10am classes) are cancelled
  • All other classes are scheduled as normal

We are also pleased to announce our make-up test at the Headquarters on Wednesday, June 17. The test will immediately follow the practice, which starts at 7:30pm at 8101 Ridge Blvd, Brooklyn. All students are welcome to come participate in the practice and support the students who could not make our year-end exam at the Trevor Day School.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, don't forget our calendar is always available here.